Dual Force Technology: Leveling the Playing Field Like Never Before

ADI’s second Dual Force Technology machine simultaneously installing 2 laterals on 15’ spacings in a west central Illinois field
ADI’s second Dual Force Technology machine simultaneously installing 2 laterals on 15’ spacings

In the early 1990s, ADI changed the way we did business – abandoning wide spacings for pattern tiling in favor of narrower spacings to better manage the watertable. We also lowered our prices while providing our customers a better product with a quicker return on investment. Add in our commitment to timely installation, and this approach got the industry excited.

Fast forward 25 years: narrower spacings have proven their worth. Let’s face it, farmers need and demand more from their land, equipment and seed. Why not their drainage systems and drainage contractor? The days of waiting lists and archaic system designs are a thing of the past. Modern drainage systems have become a necessity for top producers and play a crucial role in a balanced production process.

That’s why, back in 2008, ADI started developing the next generation of pattern tiling installation – what is now known as Dual Force Technology.

“We worked with customers who were on the front end technology,” said ADI owner Don Colclasure. “They showed us that there was still room for improvement – over the standard 30’ system – so I decided to build a machine that would give them what they wanted AND still provide an affordable product.”

That product is a cutting-edge method of simultaneously installing two lateral lines spaced 15’ apart in one pass. The popularity of ADI’s Dual Force Technology continues to gain traction. Demand has grown so much that a second machine has been added to the fleet as farmers adopt a “do it right the first time” attitude.

Who is Using Dual Force Technology?

The cross section of growers who have embraced Dual Force Technology is an interesting mix. We are seeing both long time tiling customers AND brand new customers utilize this exclusive technology. Why so many new customers? Affordability is the key. Many of these growers had given great consideration to subsurface drainage to control their watertable but steered away because they understood what their farm really needed and the cost of that system was prohibitive. With Dual Force Technology, that is no longer the case. This one-of-a-kind tool provides the least expensive installation method per foot available in the industry.

What Farms Need Dual Force Technology?

The farms that benefit most from Dual Force Technology are heavier soils – those with permeability ratings of .18 inches per hour or less. Dual Force Technology is the only way to go in dense soils like this to achieve consistent drainage, and the narrower blade structure on ADI’s Dual Force Technology provides a similar and beneficial lift and shatter effect on the soil profile with a less noticeable above grade disturbance.

Exclusive Dual Force Technology Benefits

ADI’s objective is to uniformly drain the top 24” to 30” of the soil profile. The growth platform provided by Dual Force Technology creates explosive plant potential and nutrient utilization in the early stages of the crop year. It allows for the development of an unsurpassed root mass that will support today’s race horse varieties through harvest, regardless of wet or dry conditions. It is simply the most advanced product available in the market place.